

Birthday: March 19th
Bloodtype: O
Height: 173cm
Weight: 49kg
Birth place: Hiroshima

As indicate above picture, MANA is male, not female!
MANA is the beautiful guitarist of MALICE MIZER always in color blue. MANA literally means "Devil Name". While being the leader of the MM, MANA also has played the female role in the band. He has been the "
Queen, bride, princess, flower girl, hooker (the pix on the right, from image video "de l'image"), maid". He looks like female all the time and wears beautiful dresses. He said putting makeup on to look beautiful and dressing up for a man is a form of art.

Along with KOZI, MANA used to be the guitarist of the band "Mirage". Before MM, MANA was heavily into heavy metal rock (with crazy wild image like colorful spiky hair). Of course, he had interests in classical music since he's little. His father is a music teacher and influenced him into classical. He said he regret to not learned piano like his two younger brothers now. Oh and even more shocking past of him, he used to like JOHNNY's idols' groups (ex: pathetic idol groups like Hikaru Genji, Shonen Tai, SMAP, V6, Tokio) and wanted to be a JOHNNY's boys and practice dancing (^^;;;;;)

Although he practiced JOHNNY's dance before but that doesn't mean he can dance (Just like those JOHNNY's). In MM concert, he dance more than playing instrument (guitar, sometimes keyboard). He dance all the time and loves to fall into GACKT's arm, or run around the stage and "flirt" with every member (giving flowers, blowing kisses). He dance quite awkward, very "MAN", not graceful like a woman (which he suppose to be). Also his facial expression are always so "cool" too (cool means literally) So it's really weird.

MANA's interests are walking in the night, collecting movies (esp. Dracula's film), cooking (esp. good at curry, he loves cooking books too), music appreciation. He said MALICE MIZER meant to present the worlds of "Malice and tragedy with dramatic base", medival age Europe, Classical, and also the world of SHOUJO MANGA (Girl's comics).