

Birthday: August 8th
Bloodtype: A
Height: 176cm
Weight: 54kg
Birth place: Fukuoka

YU~KI is the bassist of MALICE MIZER. He plays the role of "vampire" and "Count" in the band (also as the guy with beard). In the image video "de l'image", yu~ki plays the heroine's brother and has this really ugly curly hair aristocrat look...oh man..... ^^;; At the beginning when MM first started, yu~ki has very androgynous image, later he has the image of "vampire count". In thier latest image in "au revoir", yu~ki start looking uni-sex again.

yu~ki has two younger brothers. He is an artistic person who's very into fashion design and paintings. He especially interests in designing lady's clothes. He started playing bass in highschool when he and his friends form a band (original hard rock music). The band was split after everyone went to Tokyo to pursue their dreams. It was then he got recruited by MM's leader MANA. yu~ki's favorite bassist and most influencial on him is UK band JAPAN's bassist "Mick Karn".

About his solo corner in live, it's very boring.....him wearing a mask acting in pain... (concept comes from "malicious and tradegy" wor...) Sometimes he plays Cello as well. His hobbies of course is drawing and everything about "Dracula" and vampires....^^;;